Week 6 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne
This week, 3 of Senator Mayne's bills passed in the Senate. SB 153 (Business Payroll Practices Amendments), SB 155 (Medical Billing Amendments), and SB 197 (Consanguinity Amendments) will all be moving onto the House of Representatives! In addition to these, she had SB 75 (Legislative Audit Amendments) pass the House, officially making it through the Utah State Legislature. This upcoming week she has a few important bills being heard in the Senate as well, including SB 214 (Gambling Machine and Sweepstakes Amendments) and SB 213 (Sepsis Protocol Amendments).

Bill requests: 20
Bills in the Senate:
SB 33 - Firearm Identification Amendments
SB 98 - Treatment Medication Amendments
SB 116 - Social Security Income Tax Amendments
SB 129 - Metro Township Amendments
SB 198 - Substitute Teacher Training Requirements
SB 213 - Sepsis Protocol Requirements
SB 214 - Gambling Machine and Sweepstakes Amendments
SB 215 - Prevailing Wages on State Construction Projects
SJR 4 - Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Filling Judicial Vacancies
Bills passed out of the Senate:
SB 60 - Advice and Consent Amendments
SB 151 - Accelerated Student Program Amendments
SB 153 - Business Payroll Practices Amendments
SB 155 - Medical Billing Amendments
SB 197 - Consanguinity Amendments
Bills passed out of the House:
SB 54 - Mobile Home Amendments
SB 32 - Prisoner Offense Amendments
SB 75 - Legislative Audit Amendments
In the news:
Senate Minority Whip Luz Escamilla
Senator Escamilla had SB 165 (Emergency Response Plans for Homelessness) pass through the Senate this week! This bill requires certain local oversight bodies to develop an emergency response plan to respond to conditions that pose a risk to the health or safety of homeless individuals and families. In addition to this bill, she had SB 212 (Special Group License Plate Amendments) pass out of the Transportation, Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee with a unanimous vote.

Bill requests: 9
Bills in the Senate:
SB 101 - Construction or Demolition Materials Amendments
SB 112 - Inland Port Amendments
SB 164 - Social Impact Services
SJR 12 - Joint Resolution Regarding Construction or Demolition Material
SB 212 - Special Group License Plate Amendments
Bills passed out of the Senate:
SB 165 - Emergency Response Plans for Homelessness
Bills passed out of the House:
SB 97 - Personal License Plate Amendments
In the news:
Senate Minority Assistant Whip Jani Iwamoto

This week, Senator Iwamoto presented HB 105 (Water Facilities Amendments) on the Senate floor. This bill, which is sponsored by Representative Wilde, addresses obstruction and changes related to water facilities. She spent the rest of the week meeting with constituents, stake holders, and attending committee meetings.
Bill requests: 15
Bills in the Senate:
SB 42 - Ballot Security Amendments
SB 46 - Domestic Violence Amendments
Bills passed out of Senate:
SB 22 - American Indian-Alaska Native Related Amendments
Bills passed out of the House:
SB 14 - Tribal Leaders Description Amendments
SB 26 - Water Banking Amendments
SB 47 - Public Document Signature Classification
SB 48 - Corrections Officer Certification Pilot Extension
SCR 2 - Concurrent Resolution Honoring Michael R. Styler
SB 13 - Native American Legislative Liaison Committee Amendments
SB 80 - Campus Safety Amendments
SJR 6 - Joint Rules Resolution - Conflict of Interest Disclosure
SJR 1 - Joint Resolution Supporting Coordination of Care for Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care Services
SJR 2 - Joint Resolution Encouraging Action to Reduce the Number of Utah Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels
In the news:
Senate Minority Caucus Manager Derek Kitchen

Senator Kitchen's SB 122 (Housing Loss Mitigation Amendments) passed out of the Senate with a unanimous vote on Thursday! This bill addresses the loss of affordable housing units due to state action. Additionally, he had two bills pass out of House committees this week. SB 74 (Family Planning Services Amendments) passed out of the House Health and Human Services Committee on Monday with a favorable recommendation, and on Tuesday, SB 77 (Electric Energy Storage Tax Credit) passed out of the House Revenue and Taxation Committee.
Bill Requests: 6
Bills passed out of the Senate:
SB 74 - Family Planning Services Amendments
SB 77 - Electric Energy Storage Tax Credit
SB 122 - Housing Loss Mitigation Amendments
In the News: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/2/24/21151640/expand-family-planning-services-medicaid-utah-senate-contraception
Senator Gene Davis

Senator Davis' SB 103 (Consumer Alcoholic Beverage Purchasing) passed out of the Senate with with a unanimous vote on Wednesday. This bill has been amended from the original version to now create the Division of Consumer Purchasing within the DABC. This division would be required to establish a consumer purchasing system which would allow consumers to purchase alcohol through a third party. SB 103 will now be heard in the House of Representatives for further consideration.
Bill Requests: 4
Bills passed out of the Senate:
SB 35 - Circuit Breaker Amendments
SB 103 - Consumer Alcoholic Beverage Purchasing
In the News:
Senator Kathleen Riebe

Senator Riebe had two bills passed out of the Senate this week. SB 31 (Safety Inspections for Cited Vehicles) passed out of the Senate on Monday, and SB 152 (Search and Rescue Funding Amendments) passed out of the Senate on Wednesday. Both of these bills will be heard in the House of Representatives next week. Senator Riebe's Education Caucus had their last meeting of the session on Friday as well. In this meeting, they discussed several education bills being considered in the legislature.
Bill Requests: 7
Bills in the Senate:
SB 105 - Surgical Smoke Evacuation System Requirements
SB 136 - Healthy Lifestyles Revisions
Bills passed out of the Senate:
SB 31 - Safety Inspections for Cited Vehicles
SB 152 - Search and Rescue Funding Amendments
Bills passed out of the House:
SB 21 - Education Amendments
In the News: