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Utah Senate Democrats Applaud Supreme Court Employment Discrimination Decision

Media Statement

For Immediate Release:

Monday, June 15, 2020


Jon Hennington

Utah State Senate

(801) 214-4611 |

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Senate Democrats issued the following statement in response to the United States Supreme Court’s Landmark decision on workplace discrimination law:   "Today’s ruling is a victory for all Americans who value the principles of fairness and equality under the law. The Trump Administration’s recent mean-spirited attacks on the rights, safety, and welfare of transgender Americans was yet another reminder that the fight for equality for all continues. As we celebrate Pride month, we welcome this decision as a rebuke of those who would deny basic human rights to those they do not like or understand. LGBTQ+ Americans should not have to fight their own government for recognition that they are protected by the same laws as other Americans. In this time of national reckoning, we celebrate this victory while recognizing that there are still more battles to be fought and that the guarantee of equality for all remains a distant goal for which we must all strive."

Senator Derek L. Kitchen added: “This is a momentous decision that underscores our nation’s founding principles of freedom and justice. As we celebrate this victory, let us not forget that Utah is an at-will state where an employer can fire anyone at any time for any reason. Recent events and the deep racial injustice we see every day in our country demand that we use this to fuel our momentum as this important work continues.”

The Utah Senate Democrats are: Senator Karen Mayne – Minority Leader, Senator Luz Escamilla – Minority Whip, Senator Jani Iwamoto – Assistant Minority Whip, Senator Derek L. Kitchen – Senate Caucus Manger, Senator Gene Davis, & Senator Kathleen Riebe

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