Utah Senate Democrats Oppose H.B. 269, Private Protections in Sex-Designated Areas
FEBRUARY 6, 2025
SALT LAKE CITY—The Utah Senate Democrats issued the following statement regarding H.B. 269, Privacy Protections in Sex-Designated Areas: “For the fourth year in a row, this legislature has targeted the trans community based on small, isolated events, creating policies with far-reaching and harmful consequences. H.B. 269 is just the latest attack—this time restricting trans students' access to gendered university housing, limiting their options, and singling them out for exclusion. As Senator Plumb said, “They will never be legislated out of existence,” yet this legislature continues to try. This bill isn’t about safety—it’s about exclusion. It echoes past mistakes of “separate but equal” policies, creating unnecessary barriers instead of fostering inclusion. It undermines Equal Protection, moves us backward, and prioritizes fear over facts. Worse, it targets students who are already vulnerable, rather than protecting them. H.B. 269 is government overreach at its worst. We urge the governor to veto this harmful bill.”