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Migrant Family Separation Resolution Will Not Be Heard During Special Session

News Release

July 18, 2018

Contact: Sen. Gene Davis/801-647-8924

Sen. Luz Escamilla/801-550-1029

Migrant Family Separation Resolution

Will Not Be Heard During Special Session

Utah’s Democratic State Senators lost a bid today to place a resolution calling on our federal government leaders to reunite migrant families separated at our nation’s southern border.

S.R. 2001 – Senate Resolution Regarding the Separation of Families at the Border recognizes the family values held by Utah citizens and states that the role of government is to support and preserve families and to act in the best interests of a child. Although the Senate Democrats were united in their support of the resolution, they were unable to garner enough support to include the resolution on the special session order of business.

“As Utahns, we refer to ourselves as a family-oriented culture. These families never should have been broken up,” says Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis (D-Salt Lake). “When you destroy families without due process of law it becomes almost impossible to restore that family. Failure to keep adequate records increase the difficulty of putting families back together.”

Sen. Luz Escamilla (D-Salt Lake) added, “Families belong together. No matter national origin, race, religion or gender, children should never be used as a tool for political purposes, especially when they become victims of childhood trauma. It is not the American way and it is embarrassing for our nation to witness these policies.”

The administration’s “zero tolerance” policy has resulted in up to 3,000 migrant children separated from their families at the border. The majority are still housed in foster homes or detention shelters.


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