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SJR16 - Bringing Accountability to Utah's Education System

Today, the Utah State Senate passed Senator Jim Dabakis' SJR16 - Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- Public Education Governance. The resolution proposes an amendment to the Utah State Constitution abolishing the Utah State Board of Education and replacing it with a single State Superintendent of Public Instruction appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Utah State Senate.

"The State Board spends over $6 billion dollars a year," says Senator Dabakis. "No one knows who they are. The dirty little secret of state government is that the Board is dysfunctional--and have been that way for a long time. With a Governor in charge of Utah education, either things would shape up fast or the voters would throw the bum out and find a governor who would make it work! That's what is needed in Utah education --new governance that has someone driving the school bus."

SJR16 passed the Senate with a 22-6 vote, meeting the 2/3 majority required by the Utah State Constitution. The bill has now been sent to the House consideration. If it passes there with a 2/3 majority, it will be placed on the ballot this November for voters to decide.

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