Week 5 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne's SB175 Gang Awareness Week passed the Senate today and moves to...

Senator Mayne seeks official Utah week to bring gang prevention to the forefront
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne presented SB175 last week to the Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee....

Senator Escamilla named Child Advocate of the Year
Senate Minority Whip Luz Escamilla was honored Friday night as the Child Advocate of the Year 2019 by the Children's Service Society...

Week 4 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne​​ Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne presented SB175 Thursday to the Senate Judiciary, Law...

Filling a Need for Corrections Officers
SB 162 Corrections Officer Certification Amendments Senate Minority Assistant Whip Jani Iwamoto presented a bill Tuesday in the Senate...