Week 7 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne BILLS PASSING THE LEGISLATURE: SB43 Criminal Provisions Modifications SB10S01 Identification Request...

Week 6 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne Senator Mayne's bill SB43 Criminal Provisions Modifications passed the house and is on its way to be...

Statement in response to HB441 Tax Equalization and Reduction Act:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 7, 2018 Tracey Harty Communications Specialist | Utah Senate Minority C: 801.953.5678| tharty@le.utah.gov...

Senator Mayne's Resolution Recognizes Risk of Code Enforcement Work
This session, Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne initiated SJR10, Joint Resolution Encouraging More Training and Resources for Municipal...

Week 5 Updates
Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne Senate Minority Leader Karen Mayne's SB175 Gang Awareness Week passed the Senate today and moves to...